Father Duparquet, From the resumption of the Prefecture Apostolic of the Congo to the birth of the Church of Boma 1865-1890
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Father Duparquet

From the resumption of the Prefecture Apostolic of the Congo to the birth of the Church of Boma 1865-1890



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Within the framework of their maritime explorations and strengthened by
padroado, rights granted by the Holy See for the organisation of the mission
in the countries to be conquered, the Portuguese began the evangelisation of
the Kingdom of Kongo in 1491. They did not succeed in their efforts due to a
lack of adequate preparation and because of the abusive application of the
padroado. By instituting the Sacra Congregatio de Propagande Fide in 1622, the
Holy See repeals the padroado and entrusts the evangelisation of the Kongo to
the Italian Capuchins. And so began the Missio antiqua in 1645; it died two
centuries later when the last Capuchin left Congolese territory. The mission
was then stopped for thirty years; the missionaries having neglected the
formation of an African clergy able to provide relief after their departure.
With the authorisation of the Holy See, the fathers of the Congregation of the
Holy Spirit based in Paris resume the mission from 1865, thanks to the
insights of their founder, François Libermann, and based on the work of an
extraordinary man, the 'baobab' of the African mission of the 19th century,
father Charles Duparquet. The Spiritan fathers focused their work on educating
the youth with the aim of birthing a new society imbued with Christian values.
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